If you read my comments above in "General" on Artificial Intelligence, Game Theory and Operations Research you will think that I have a pretty dim view of mathematics and logic - despite having a degree in Mathematical Physics.
Certainly, I think it extremely unlikely that you will gain much advantage in business by using some kind of computerised package or algorithm but the general approach of clear logical thinking is worth its weight in gold.
Return on capital is a key measure
The decision to buy or sell is the same. If your asset is worth £1m in the current market and you would not dream of paying anything like that then you should sell it.
If you are doing incredibly well and everything you touch turns to gold then be extremely nervous - you are undoubtedly in a boom. And booms end with a bang.
You are only entitled to assume you are smarter than average after several decades of success - anything else may well be down to luck
Surround yourself with people who are highly competent - running a business is like conducting an orchestra - you may not be able to play the tuba but you need to know enough to realise that the tuba player is not very good and replace him
Debate difficult decisions until you can clearly see what needs to be done - then do it.
Forget whose idea it was - your only objective is to win - not massage your own ego
If somebody consistently screws up, get rid of them
This is not a popularity contest - if you know you are right have the confidence to go against the crowd. But be aware that the crowd are very often right and you will not succeed by being contrary just for the sake of it
Bob Cory
Modified on 26/10/2019 at 09:59:54 by ℗ Bob Cory