Over the last few years we have all been treated to the sight (and sound) of politicians floundering as they face the chasm between millions of "ordinary" people who never, ever post on social media and the few thousand who make dozens of posts every day under a variety of fake identities from their mum's basement - apart from Tuesdays when they sign on at the Unemployment Office
Typically, these politicians don't know if a woman can have a penis. Which raises the question "do they know what a bacon sandwich is?" Or maybe, "does a car have square wheels made of ice cream?" To which they would presumably reply "Um, er, certainly some cars do have square wheels made of ice cream"
Back to the debate, which is really an argument about the meaning of words ("semantics")
For centuries, everybody accepted that a "woman" is comebody who has a vagina and a womb. And a "man" is somebody with a penis and testicles (not to be confused with tentacles - Hitler did NOT spread his testicles all over Europe - just over the bunker walls at the end)
But words can change their meaning - the word "gay" used to mean "happy and cheerful", now it means "homosexual". The word "proof" used to mean "test" - hence the expression "it is the exception that proves (ie tests) the rule". Simples.
So all we have to do is change the definition of "woman" to "a person who genuinely feels deep down that they really are a female human being"
And a "man" is "a person who genuinely feels deep down that they really are a male human being"
But we then need a definaition of what used to be a woman. How about "a bio-woman" - somebody who has a vagina and a womb. Similarly, a "bio-man" can be somebody with a penis and testicles
As for the legal position, clearly, bio-men should not be allowed to decide on Fridays that they are women today and pop down to the nearest gym and parade naked with huge erections (or small ones for that matter) in front of a whole load of naked bio-women.
Simlarly, we don't want naked bio-women parading stark naked with erect nipples in the bio-mens' changing rooms (be quiet at the back)
Job done!
Bob Cory
Modified on 01/08/2023 at 10:45:55 by ℗ Bob Cory