There are a lot of different types as follows all of whom will have letters after their name - in other words, qualified people.
They work out the quantities of materials needed for a construction job. How many bricks, cubic metres of concrete and so on. You will only really come across them on serious construction projects and they will normally be employed by the builder or architect.
I find the back of an envelope works well and is a lot cheaper
I am sure they have a proper title but I have not managed to find out what it is in 50 years of trying. I refer to them as "the blokes who draw plans of what it looks like right now". As opposed to "the blokes who draw plans of what we want it to look like in the future". The latter blokes are called Architects - see above.
Whenever I buy a serious site and want to do something other than collect money I always get blokes in to draw plans - even with a plan I am easily confused but without one it is chaos
These are guys who can crawl over a building and tell you what is wrong with it "it has fallen down - that will be £750 + VAT please"
Whenever you buy a building you should have a structural survey carried out. Personally, I just slow down to about 20 mph and look out of the car window. For a really big or expensive building I might slow down to 10 mph.
Bob Cory
Modified on 08/09/2019 at 10:54:26 by ℗ Bob Cory