Rates on Empty Buildings


Bear in mind that some organisations and buildings do not need to pay rates whether empty or occupied - see 'Rates Relief' above

As you would expect, there is a whole industry devoted to avoiding paying rates on empty buildings but be careful - governments have a habit of doing nothing for years, then suddenly cracking down and sending people to prison as an example to others.

If some of this is wrong or misleading, please let me know by email if possible


This is straight from a UK Government guide to empty rates

You do not have to pay business rates on empty buildings for 3 months. After this time, most businesses must pay full business rates

But industrial premises (including warehouses) are exempt for a further 3 months giving a total of 6 months rates free

Listed buildings are rates free until they’re reoccupied

Buildings with a rateable value under £2,900 are rates free while empty until they’re reoccupied

Properties owned by charities are rates free while empty if the property’s next use will be mostly for charitable purposes

Community amateur sports clubs buildings are rates free while empty if the next use will be mostly as a sports club


This is straight from a Welsh Government guide to empty rates

All empty business properties are exempt from paying business rates for 3 months after the property becomes vacant

Industrial premises, including warehouses, do not pay empty rates for a further 3 months making 6 months rates free in total

Listed buildings are exempt from paying empty rates until they become occupied again

Buildings with a rateable value under £2,600 are exempt from paying empty rates until they become occupied again

Properties owned by charities are exempt from paying empty rates if the property's next use is likely to be wholly or mainly for charitable purposes

Community amateur sports club buildings which are exempt if their next use is likely to be wholly or mainly for a sports club

A business whose owner is a company which is subject to a winding-up order made under the Insolvency Act 1986 or which is being wound up voluntarily under that Act is exempt from paying empty rates

A business whose owner is a company in administration within the meaning of paragraph 1 of Schedule B1 to the Insolvency Act 1986 or is subject to an administration order made under the former administration provisions within the meaning of article 3 of the Enterprise Act 2002 (Commencement No. 4 and Transitional Provisions and Savings) Order 2003 is exempt from paying empty rates

A business whose owner is entitled to possession only in his or her capacity as the personal representative of a deceased person is exempt from paying empty rates


This is straight from a Scottish Government guide to empty rates

All empty properties can get 50% relief from business rates for the first 3 months they're empty. They can then get a 10% discount after that.

Empty industrial properties can get 100% relief from business rates for the first 6 months that they're empty. They can then get a 10% discount after that.

You do not pay rates on an empty building if it's a listed building but we are told that this may change shortly

You do not pay rates on an empty building if it has a rateable value under £1,700

You do not pay rates on an empty building if it's owned by a trustee for sequestration, liquidation or executors

You do not pay rates on an empty building if the company who owns it has been wound up

You do not pay rates on an empty building if by law, the property cannot be occupied

You do not pay rates on an empty building if it's under a compulsory purchase order

You do not pay rates on an empty building if it has no buildings (empty ground)

Northern Ireland

I cannot find a simple guide to Northern Ireland empty rating but this is what I believe to be the case but do NOT rely on it

There are no vacant rates payable for a property with a Net Annual Value (NAV) of less than £2,000

For properties with a NAV of £2,000 or more, empty rates are not payable for three months. After the three month free period, rates will be billed at 50% of the normal occupied amount.

Empty rates are NOT payable if the property is a Qualifying Industrial Hereditament

Empty rates are NOT payable if occupation of the property is prohibited by law or a public authority

Empty rates are NOT payable if the Property is a listed building or is subject of a Building Preservation Notice

Empty rates are NOT payable if the Property is a Historic Monument

Empty rates are NOT payable if Property is the responsibility of the Personal Representatives of a Deceased Person

Empty rates are NOT payable if the property is controlled or owned by a Trustee Under Deeds of Arrangement, a Liquidator, a Company in Administration or a Bankruptcy Order or Insolvency or Winding-up Order

Bob Cory

Modified on 21/08/2019 at 08:42:49 by ℗ Bob Cory