
In the UK you could buy a house and find (later) that you are responsible for maintaining the local church. You know - the one with the 300 foot tower which is slowly falling over. A million or so would make a start ...

Or maybe the Coal Board excavated millions of tons of coal from right underneath your nice new home ("it was a real bargain") which in due course will gently and elegantly slide into a hole in the ground ("ooh, that hurt")

On the east coast of the UK your amazing new residence two miles from the sea may well, within 20 years, have a sea view ...

In Spain, you may find that the area you are in is has been re-zoned and the council remove your garden from you. And send you a bill for 100,000 euros because your property is now more valuable! Yes really. Me too.

So your solicitor should do all the following searches:

Local Authority

Coal Board

Chancery (Church of England)

Land Registry

Energy performance Certificate




Bob Cory

Modified on 21/07/2023 at 10:53:16 by ℗ Bob Cory